Well, this page was created on October 17th and posted on
October 28th (1997), originally a very extensive page full of info and pics and all that stuff. Then it died for a while. Then, in June of 2000, I got some mail and had the urge to come back. The one thing I'd really enjoyed was the story, and seeing as how there are thousands of info-related pages out there, I didn't see the point of keeping that up. (Not that there aren't thousands of stories too, I just like writing more than updating tour info.) The layout is at the moment extremely bare, and there's nothing to steal graphic-wise except the title image, which would do you no good unless you plan to steal the name too. And that makes no sense. The words are all mine, and if you steal them, your karma will be a lot less forgiving than I will. And I'll hound you. Written freeform html. No tags were injured in the making of this page. Powered by an insane writer and fat free milk. |
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this page created by dezie, who is in no way
associated with anything whatsoever.